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You Can Finally Buy a New Motorcycle Helmet by Hello Cousteau

Back in Issue Seven of Gear Patrol magazine, we featured an interview with artist Nuno Henriques, also known on social media as @Hello Cousteau.  He’s become rather well-known in select circles for his beautiful motorcycle helmet renderings and designs. Trouble is, actually getting a helmet adorned with one his unique graphics isn’t so easy. Outside of limited-run editions with HJC and AGV, you won’t find Henriques’s helmet designs anywhere on the road.

That’s changing, though. Thankfully for the riding public, Henriques struck a deal with Bell, bringing more of his creative style to a market otherwise overflowing with over-designed, done-to-death gaudy paint jobs. The Bell SRT is a tried and true full-face lid, and now it looks light years better, thanks to a dose of that distinct Hello Cousteau style.

Learn More About @HelloCousteau
Since starting his Instagram handle @hellocousteau in 2016, Henriques has gained over 20,000 followers and, on occasion, has received more than a hundred emails a day asking where to buy or order his helmets. Read the Story