A multi tool is a must-have for any traveler venturing out into faraway places. You never know what problems you might run into out there. Problem is, most multi tools aren’t robust enough to withstand the challenges of travelling. What’s more, you have to shell out a premium if you want a robust option.

Thus comes the T’spin Titanium Travel Tool, designed for travelers, by travelers. Even in such a tiny frame it manages to congest several essential tools not commonly found in other designs. It mushes them together in a fun and Every Day Carry-friendly package built from premium materials.

The T’spin comes with two slots for your SIM cards. For good measure, you also get a SIM eject tool. No need to prick your phone with the nearest sharp object you manage to get a hold of. Also, this is pretty convenient since who the heck carries a SIM eject tool?

It even comes with a built-in notch where you can slide your phone into to prop it up and return to your most recent Netflix binge.

Then when it’s time to get moving, the T’spin is designed in such a way that you can wrap your headphones, USB cables, or other wires around the frame to prevent it from tangling up inside your luggage.

On the edge you’ll find a small protrusion (mini screwdriver), and near the edge of the frame you’ll find a gaping hole (bottle opener). There’s also a carabiner clip off to the side you can attach it as a keychain or latch it onto the pull tab of your bag’s zipper for easy access. Oh, and you might be wondering why it’s called the T’spin, emphasis on “spin.” Well, the whole thing is actually a fidget spinner as well.

The company behind T’spin is currently running a Kickstarter campaign to raise funds for production. A pledge of $28 will net you one unit in December if all goes according to plan.

T’spin’s Kickstarter Page

Photos courtesy of Kickstarter