Welcome to Deals of Note, where Gear Patrol captures all the best deals of the day. You can also follow all our deal posts in the Deals section. Comments or concerns? We’d love to hear from you at deals@gearpatrol.com.
It won’t be a surprise to any of you that Arc’teryx makes some of the sleekest and hardwearing outdoor gear you can get your mitts on. But more of a surprise, is the fact that you can snap up some juicy Arc’teryx pieces over at the REI Spring Sale, along with numerous other outdoor brands. The Arc’teryx Sabre AR Jacket is a built for big mountain skiing, but with the flannel backer for a touch of warmth, this will look good and keep you warm on or off the mountain. The Windproof three-layer N80p-X GORE-TEX fabric supplies waterproof yet breathable protection and makes the Sabre AR jacket unbeatable. Available in a few hues — our favorite is Midnight Sun — each of the tones will be sure to strike a chord with you. At 30 percent off, it’s hard to beat this Arc’teryx offering.
Lodge Silicone Hot Handle Holder
Save 30%: Lodge’s silicone hot handle holders are designed to fit snugly on Lodge skillets 9 inches in diameter and up, and they’re guaranteed to protect your hands from heat, up to 450 degrees. The hot handle holder is a whopping $4 on Amazon today.
Outdoors and Fitness
Opinel No. 8 Ebony Ellipse
Save 42%: The Opinel No. 8 knife with a limited-edition ebony handle makes for an overtly stylish pocket knife that hasn’t lost any of the practicality of the original.
Shop the Gear Patrol Store Sales
Save 25%: We teamed up with Blunt to make the Gear Patrol Umbrella, a robust design that is wind-tested up to 72 mph and streamlined for use in any environment. Get yours today at the GP Store.
Adidas Ultraboost 19s
Save $54: Right now 17 colors and 13 sizes of the best-selling running sneakers are 30 percent off, but they’re going fast, so grab some while they last.
Best Style Deals of the Week
Save 70%: Whether it’s an Italian-made boot, designer sunglasses or spring-appropriate linen button-ups, the best style deals this week all happen to be under a hundred bucks.
Frye Montana Moc Boots
Save $109: Now at Amazon, you can pick up a pair of great moc-toe boots from Frye for just $60. The Montana Moc boot features a suede upper, a molded rubber welt, a wedge outsole and a gusseted tongue.
Jabra Elite Active 65t
Save $120: Normally $170, eBay is selling the Jabra Elite Active 65t for selling for $50 right now. The catch is that they’re “manufacturer refurbished” but they’re covered by Jabra’s pretty lenient return policy (30 days).
Ultimate Ears Boom 3
Save $80: The Ultimate Ears Boom 3 is probably the best portable Bluetooth speaker you can buy, and right now Best Buy is selling the Boom 3 for as low as $80, which is $70 off the MSPR.
Bertucci A-2T Super Classic
Save 25%: Right now, you can get one of the best affordable field watches, with a 40mm titanium case and sapphire crystal, for a price of just $150.
Filson Field Watches
Save 56%: If you happen to be in the market for a field watch, today is your lucky day: Filson Watches is offering 56% off 15 timepieces. With the discount Filson is running, pricing on the time-only watches is just $150, and $200 for the chronos.
Timex x Todd Snyder Mid Century Watch
Save 37%: Featuring a day-date display in either black or white and a quality American leather strap, this Timex is a perfect everyday wearer.