When you make lagers your whole existence, it means you’ve got to know lagers pretty well. Jack Hendler of Jack’s Abby Craft Lagers is one such person. Founded in 2011 with his two brothers, Eric and Sam, Jack’s Abby has been widely recognized for its superior ability to create German-style lagers with traditional ingredients and techniques — its Post Shift Pilsner is a go-to at Gear Patrol. Here’s what he’s drinking lately.
Favorite Everyday Beer: East Rock Pilsner
ABV: 5.2%
Beer Style: Pilsner
Availability: Year-round, local
“East Rock in New Haven, CT is owned by a former colleague and they focus on lagers, like we do at Jack’s Abby. In particular, their Pilsner is one of my favorites. It hits all the key points of a German-style pilsner.”
Grail Beer: Helles Schlenkerla Lagerbier
ABV: 4.3%
Beer Style: Helles Lager
Availability: Year-round, international
“This beer is from Bamberg, Germany but can be found in the United States in a few accounts that can appreciate a smoked beer. It combines the subtle smokiness with a sweet malty lager flavor.”
Best Beer You Drank Recently: Counter Weight Coolship Kellerbier
ABV: 4.9%
Beer Style: Kellerbier
Availability: Limited, local
“Counter Weight in Connecticut took a risk on an ancient brewing technique and it worked out to everyone’s benefit. Letting wart cool in a coolship isn’t particularly easy, but they were successful with this medium-bodied copper lager.”
A Beer You’re Currently In Search Of (ISO): Dovetail Lager
ABV: 4.8%
Beer Style: Lager
Availability: Year-round, local
“Dovetail in Chicago takes traditional lager brewing to the max. Dovetail Lager is their double decocted everyday drinking beer. It’s an exemplary Helles lager. It’s hard to find outside of Chicago, so whenever I’m traveling in the area, it’s the beer I’m looking for.”