Frequent travelers who embark on various side quests upon landing face an eternal conundrum: the bags that are perfect for getting where we’re going aren’t always ideal once we get there. Which leaves us in the unenviable position of either literally packing an extra bag to take hiking, biking or snowboarding… or doing those activities with some cartoonishly huge Santa Claus sack. Aiming to solve that problem? Boundary Supply’s new Arris Travel Pack system, which recently launched on Kickstarter and offers an unheard-of five packs in one.

The key is modularity. Each of the five units — the 35L Arris pack, 15L Stasis Sling, 3.5L Rift Pack, compartmentalized Tek Case and Fieldspace 2.0 laptop/tablet sleeve — is a top-notch gear vessel in its own right. The Stasis and Rift, for instance, are particularly handy for urban missions and day hikes. We’ve been rocking Boundary’s Stasis-like ArcLite Sling on bike commutes, and the Rift is perfectly sized for DSLR camera toting.

However, when you really need to max out your storage capacity (for a multi-day backcountry adventure, for example), the system boasts a bunch of seamless attachment points that allow it to form up like, yes, Voltron, into one giant go-anywhere, do-anything pack. The Tek Case and Fieldspace 2.0 slide inside, while the Stasis and Rift mount to the back and top, respectively, providing all the storage most intrepid explorers — or sword-wielding intergalactic warriors — need.

The Arris has already surpassed its $100,000 funding goal with 45 days to go, and the first units will ship in November. Pledge levels range depending how much pack you want: from simply the Stasis Sling ($79) to the full Adventure Pro package ($585), featuring everything we’ve mentioned plus a dry bag, three hemp packing cubes and four lash straps.

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Steve Mazzucchi

Steve Mazzucchi is Gear Patrol’s outdoors and fitness editor. Outside the office, you can find him mountain biking, snowboarding, motorcycling or sipping a dram of Laphroaig and daydreaming about such things.

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