Carbon fiber has gone a long way since its introduction to military gear. Now you can find them used in wallets, cardholders, utility tools, bags, and more. It even proves useful paired with the most mundane of items, such as a notebook. The MGear Tactical Waterproof Notepad, for one, guarantees no dog ears and protects your doddles and writings too.
If your profession constantly exposes you to natural factors such as rain, heat, mud, sweat, and more, then this small yet handy notebook is for you. It has a carbon fiber cover on both sides that keep close via Neodimyum magnets. The magnets form a slot to keep the added stainless steel in place. Speaking of the pen, it is made with magnetic metal that holds the covers together, thus effectively locking it.
The MGear Tactical Waterproof Notepad, as its name suggests, also has pages of crisp, durable, and waterproof paper. The paper does not tear easily and can stay underwater indefinitely without dissolving or blotting the ink. This way, you don’t lose important scribbled information to water, moisture, or even grease.
Best of all, any style ink pen works flawlessly on the pages. So you can switch to a regular pen and not settle for its added stainless steel pen. The pages are also refillable and refilling is made easy thanks to the removable binder rings.
The MGear Tactical Waterproof Notepad definitely benefits nurses, mechanics, first emergency responders, police, the military, and more. It does great when camping outdoors too. It can easily replace everyday journals as it does better in preserving your writings or important memos.
Images courtesy of MGear