Unless you are one of those truly lucky people out there who doesn’t have to travel at all this holiday season, chances are you will need to find a gift or two for your hosts. These can be the more tedious holiday gifts of the whole season. Nice enough to say thank you but general enough to not be for just one person, but the collective house and hosts. Thankfully we put together a list of what we think are some of the best host gifts you can get — or receive.

Casa Dragones Joven

Price: $275
From: Casadragones.com

We have almost all been there. You are hosting, and someone shows up with a warm uninspiring bottle of wine. Needless to say, you don’t invite them back, but more importantly, you never want to be that guy yourself. Bottles of the right alcohol can be a surefire good gift, like this Casa Dragones Joven. It’s a small batch, master blend of 100 percent Blue Agave silver and extra-aged tequila, rested in new American oak barrels for five years. It’s smooth and nuanced, unlike the tequila you’re likely imagining. Now that is a gift-worthy bottle.

1. Star Blanket by HAY

Price: $195
From: Us.hay.com

Nothing screams comfy holiday by the fire quite like a pleasing blanket. It’s also a good choice for a host gift — everyone loves a good blanket after all. This geometric design looks good no matter how you fold it and the double-woven lightweight wool will keep your host warm through a night of Netflix.

2. Hawkins New York Simple Candle Holder in Brass

Price: $48
From: Hawkinsnewyork.com

A good pair of candlesticks can go a long way. These elegant brass numbers from Hawkins New York will find their way onto your host’s dinner table over and over. It will be a well-used gift long after the last wrapping paper of the season is tossed away.

3. Leather Candle

Price: $55
From: Malinandgoetz.com

Candles are a no brainer host gift, but that doesn’t mean they have to be boring. Far from it, this leather-scented candle from Malin + Goetz isn’t too “masculine,” but rather has some floral hints with a deep undertow of wood to build up that vintage leather smell. These candles last up to 60 hours, so maybe your host will even spark it before you leave.

4. Brightland The Cartorialist Holiday 2019 DUO Olive Oil Set

Price: $78
From: Brightland.co

Bringing a gift of olive oil to someone’s home isn’t just thoughtful, it also represents a wish for good health and well being — who doesn’t want that for the holidays? The Brightland olive oil is the “it” EVOO of the moment, and that isn’t just because of its snazzy bottle. The oil comes from cold-pressed single-origin heirloom olives — and this is the newest batch.

5. Charles & Ray Eames LCW Miniature

Price: $285
From: Vitra.com

While this gift may look incredibly over the top at first blush, this miniature of the classic Eames LCW makes a perfect gift for the host. This easy design object can find a space in any home and can make for a good theme — Vitra makes a whole collection of these. Look you already have a gift for next year.