All posts in “Tips & Advice”

Ceramic Coating. How It Works & Is It Worth It?

My Experience With Ceramic Coating My Car And Whether It Is Worth It

I came across the concept ceramic coating because of my own experience with trying to maintain my own car. About six months ago I bought my first ever Porsche (2015 991.1 911 GTS). It was a dream come true and I wanted to nurse and take care of the car so it looked showroom quality all the time. Turns out between my kids bumping into my car in the garage (often) and a pretty poor washing and care regime on my part, it took all of a few months to start seeing swirl marks in my black paint. 

I decided to do some research. My focus was fixing and then protecting my paint. I read a ton about paint correction and ceramic coating and even watched Youtube videos on how to do it myself. I realized (smartly) that I had no idea what I was doing and that I needed some professional help. A few phone calls later and a friend referred me to Luke Parise and Kyle Sheridan of Padny Detailing. First of all, if you live in Long Island NY and need trustworthy guys to take care of your prized possession, I highly recommend Padny based on my experience (check out their site, email them at [email protected] or call them at 516-732-7467). This is not a promotional post and the guys did not pay me to say nice things. This is just a guy (me) who treasures his car being really happy with the service I received from two young local entrepreneurs who love cars and do awesome work. 

My paint wasn’t bad before but under the lights in Luke’s garage it was clear that it was worse than I thought. The car was going to need paint correction and then Luke recommended a ceramic coating to better protect the car moving forward. He also taught me how to properly wash and care for the car too (thanks Luke). 

So, What is a “Ceramic Coating”?

In the detailing industry nowadays, the term “ceramic coating” is used loosely and sometimes not accurate. A true ceramic is a high solid coating. This means that once it’s applied, it chemically bonds to the surface and increases surface hardness; much like a clear coat from the factory on top of the paint. A simple way to explain how a coating works is to imagine it like this…a coating is a liquid that becomes a solid. This liquid is applied carefully and then bonds to the surface. This creates a strong, protective or sacrificial layer over your vehicle’s paint.

Standard factory-applied clear coat typically ranks around a 3h or 4h on the pencil hardness scale (a basic metric for determining the resistance/hardness of materials). On this same scale, most ceramic coatings rank around a 8h or a 9h, making ceramic about 3 times more durable than regular clear coat alone! Some companies state that your vehicle will never scratch again. This is not entirely true, coatings do provide increased scratch resistance. If it does infract scratch, the coating has done it’s job. It is also important to note the fact that any kind of contact may cause minor surface scratching. With a coating, this scratching concern is greatly reduced but not totally gone. Like anything else, quality care and maintenance is required to keep the coated vehicle pristine.

Many products on the market now claim to have some sort of ceramic base in them. These products typically have a high solvent, low silica base content to them. Silica is one of the main compounds by which ceramic coatings are made of. Products with low content are mostly diluted and are used for quicker, less intensive detailing (much like a spray wax). Often these products are used as a stand-alones. Although they are easy to apply and may show quick and shiny results, they aren’t considered high solids and don’t properly protect the car. A ceramic coating done the right way is often a bit longer and more intricate process; however, doing so ensures the vehicle is protected for years. Most coating companies make maintenance products that are used to help prolong the duration of the coating after it’s applied. Although these products can be used as stand-alones for a quick shine or light protective layer; they are not adequately preserving and protecting your vehicle as well or as long as a fully bonded coating does.

There are a multitude of companies in the industry offering ceramic coating products. This can overwhelm the consumer when choosing which product to use. Many of the coatings on the market are very similar to each other, some unfortunately may be exactly the same but rebranded. This is why it is crucial to choose a reputable brand and certified installers. Some coatings can actually be purchased by consumers; however, we don’t recommend this. Certified installers undergo training by company representatives typically in informative workshops to sharpen their skills with these products. Therefore, when it comes to ceramic coatings, do your research with both products and detailers you choose.

The Process

One of the most important if not THE most important step in the process is the prep work! In my case the guys had to fix the paint situation first. They spent a lot of time improving the condition of the paint on my 911 GTS. 

First up is washing the car, then fully decontaminating it (clay bar etc.). Next up is the paint correction (which took a week). After that they checked over the entire car, getting rid of small imperfections that are often overlooked by the untrained eye. Following this step, the vehicle was washed again and then wiped down with a prep solvent to remove any oils or polish residue that may have been left on the surface. 

Next up is the ceramic coating. Padny uses both IGL Coatings and Ceramic Pro ceramic coatings in their shop. IGL also offers one of the first 10h (pencil hardness scale) coatings on the market, which is what they decided would be best for the Porsche. Due to the 10h hardness, this coating happens to provide some of the strongest and most durable surface protection.

What are the benefits of having your vehicle treated?

  • Multiple years of durability. Each coating varies but most are rated from anywhere from 2-5 years.
  • Stronger surface protection. From washing and maintaining your vehicle to just typical unexpected abuse and environmental elements. The vehicle will not get marred or scratch nearly as easily.
  • Easy maintenance! Washing your vehicle becomes a breeze. Most of the time on vehicles that are ceramic coated we are able to rinse most of the dirt and debris away without any agitation and then air dry the car in minutes.
  • Showroom/concours appearance all of the time. A coated car almost always looks great. Some of our test vehicles that were being washed weekly prior to coating now haven’t been washed in over a month and still look great!
  • Peace of mind, knowing that your prized possession is heavily protected is a huge thing in itself.
  • No more wax. With coatings there is no need for wax. There are certain products however that can be used as toppers to prolong the coating if you’d still like to tinker on the weekends!
  • In the unfortunate event of something coming in contact with the car… you’re protected. The coating acts as a sacrificial layer on top of the paint. If a material that would have marred the paint such as bird poop, berries, sap or even some form of paint hit the surface, they are only hitting the coating and not affecting the paint in anyway.

The Results

I included all the photos I could of the car after the ceramic coating. Thanks to Kyle for taking these pictures, clearly a gifted automotive photographer and detailer too. Check him out on Instagram at Kyle Sheridan Photography.

I didn’t have before pictures to do a true comparison, but I can tell you the car looks awesome now. The black color is deeper and wetter looking than it was when I first got the car. I get people asking me all the time whether it is a custom black paint color which I suspect is a compliment. Washing the car has been much easier because with the foam gun and water, all the crap comes off without me having to use my hands. I dry it with an air blower now and have yet to see a single swirl or imperfections anywhere. 

It has been over 6 weeks since I got the correction and ceramic coating and it looks just as good today as it does in these photos. I will share updated photos and condition over time, but right now I’m a very happy car owner and would recommend it to anybody who is considering it. 

8 top tips and tricks to stay within the speed limit

Most, if not all, drivers have done it at one time or another: broken the speed limit. Whether it was accidental, overtaking someone on a freeway and not realizing just how fast you were going, or whether it was intentional to get to your destination faster – either way, speeding is a reality of life.

But it shouldn’t be. We all know the rules of the road. We’ve all seen the TV ads showing us exactly what difference those extra few miles an hour can make if the worst happens. Many of us – though sadly not as many as we’d like – don’t want to go over the limit – it just happens.

So, is there anything we can do to help stay focused and aware of the speed the vehicle is going at? Luckily, there is. Read on for eight top tips and tricks for knowing, and adhering to, the speed limit no matter where you drive.

Tip #1 – Check your speedometer

It’s the most obvious starting point, yet it’s surprising how many of us forget to do such a simple thing. For unintentional speeders, overtaking is when most offenses occur. As a general rule, your eyes are on the road and on other road users while you ensure that the maneuver is completed safely.

However, it’s worth checking your speed before you begin – if you want to do 70mph on the freeway, and you’re behind someone already doing 68mph, it won’t take much acceleration before you’re over the limit. And if you need to really put your foot down to slot in with traffic in the outside lane, is the whole thing really necessary?

Tip #2 – Know the limits

Most of us know the speed limits within our home state, but you might not be aware that those limits change in other states. The limit is as high as 80mph in Nevada and as low as 65mph in Arizona – sometimes it can be easy to assume that you are fine sticking to a freeway speed limit that you’re used, but it’s not always the case.

The other important thing to note with speed limits is that they are just that – a limit. There is no legal requirement for vehicles to drive at the speed limit at all times, or indeed at any time. So whilst you may find the car doing 22mph in a 30mph zone frustrating, they are in fact doing nothing wrong – and if you wish to go quicker, it is up to you to achieve this through legal means.

Tip #3 – Use third gear in a 30mph area

The vast majority of vehicles – with perhaps the exception of some high-end performance cars – will cope perfectly happily doing 30mph in third gear. Put your foot down a little, and many will suggest gently to you that they wish to move into the next gear up, for a more comfortable and economic drive. But in a residential low-speed area, this is a dangerous temptation to speed. Instead, use the suggestion of mild discomfort from your vehicle’s engine as a hint to check your speedometer, and drop back down to the limit if necessary.

Tip #4 – Recognize the triggers

For those of us seeking to stay within the limits of the law, we know that we’re more likely to end up speeding in certain circumstances. It’s worth recognizing these situations for what they are and thereby preparing yourself for how to deal with them.

We already mentioned in Tip #1 about deciding if overtaking is worth the increase in speed. This is especially true in congested traffic where getting ahead of someone is likely to simply get you one vehicle closer to the queue ahead. In the grand scheme of things, it’s unlikely to be of great help.

Tailgating is a situation we have less control over, but which does often prompt outbursts of speed. If you no longer need to be in your current lane – for instance, you were overtaking but have passed the vehicle in question – then the best thing to do is to move back over, and allow the person wishing to break the law to do so without involving you in. If that’s not possible, then you can always take the attitude of moral compass, and give yourself the opportunity to show the tailgater the error of their ways by demonstrating an appropriate speed with which they must duly conform.

Tip #5 – Concentrate

Here’s another blindingly obvious concept, and one that is often overlooked. We think we’re concentrating and fully aware of what is going on around us – but how aware are we of what’s going on in our own car or van? All too often, our attention is consumed with our passenger’s conversation, the radio, the kids in the back seats bickering – and not what our dashboard is telling us.

In the short term, taking up a position behind someone else who is doing your speed – especially in the nearside lane – can be a good strategy when concentration proves elusive. This is useful in roadworks, where average speed checks can easily make you lose the will to live after the first two miles.

But if the distractions around you are proving too much, you’re entirely within your right as a driver to politely ask people to be quiet, or to take a break at the next services, allowing your brain to switch off, reboot and find that extra reserve of calm and tranquillity.

Tip #6 – Get help

If you’re sitting here thinking you’ve tried all of the above and somehow that mph just seems to slip out of your grasp each time you slide behind the wheel, it may be time to bring in some help.

Many satnav systems monitor your speed and will emit annoying though well-intentioned noises if you go over the prescribed limit. They have the benefit of keeping you on the straight and narrow if you’re prone to lapses in concentration.

For the truly reckless, a limiter may be the way forward. Many of these are fitted as standard to vans and trucks (you’ll often see a sticker on the back telling you their maximum speed) and they’re designed to stop you exceeding a given speed, no matter how hard you press the accelerator.

They can be fitted to most vehicles and can be purchased from several companies. Fitting can be done at home or, if you’re not so car-savvy, many garages will fit them for you upon request.

Tip #7 – Cover your bases

Sooner or later, most people who speed are caught out by the yellow cameras by the side of the road. But what few people realize is that when those cameras clock your number plate along with your speed, they do a check against various databases to ensure that your whole vehicle is road legal. One offense will give you a few points on your license – not great if you need a clean one for work – but multiple penalties for no insurance or tax could see you lose your license altogether.

To make sure you’re legal to drive check you’re taxed and ensure you’re insured. Remember, it is always wise to use an insurance comparison site (such as Compare Van Insurance) to make sure you’re getting the best deal.

Tip #8 – Is it worth it?

This is possibly the least-considered of all speed strategies, yet probably the most crucial: the ability to ask yourself, at any given moment in your journey: is it really worth it? Drivers have a perception that going faster means you get to your destination quicker. Sometimes this perception is accurate, sometimes it’s not, and sometimes it simply doesn’t matter.

One of the key messages that is passed along at speed awareness courses is this latter concept. On a journey of 100 miles – more than most people drive on their daily commute – taking the whole journey at 80mph (and in doing so breaking the law) will only get you to your destination 10 minutes sooner than if you’d done the whole thing at 70mph. For a three-mile trip to the shops, it’ll take you six minutes at 30mph, or five minutes and nine seconds at 35mph. What on earth are you going to achieve with an extra 51 seconds of time at, say, Argos?

And when you think about the potential consequences of that excess speed – which at best can involve fines and penalty points, and at worst can be life-changing for you and others around you – the simple fact remains: it’s almost always never worth it.

Insurance For High-End Cars – Finding the Cheapest Rates Explained

Planning to buy the car of your dreams? That bright redLamborghini with gloss black wheels? You need to ready to grab insurance immediately after you buy that expensive car. Here are some insights into finding what is best for you. 

Getting the cheapest deal

Most insurance dealers raise prices when it comes to luxury cars because the costs of a potential repair are higher and the risks are definitely more accentuated. Yet some companies exhaust this opportunity by tricking people into paying way too much for their services. That’s why it is so important to get the cheapest deal that still offers the same amount of services as high-priced insurances. These are some tips that will help you observe what company offers the best insurance deals.

Bundle discounts

If the expensive car you want to buy or recently bought is your second car, you can take advantage of multi-line discounts. These are discounts that apply to people who already pay taxes for their insurances. For any type of coverage you pay money monthly, you might get a discount. Keep in mind that not all companies have this offer and some of them only apply it if you have an insurance plan within their own services. Another detail that will influence your car’s insurance plan has to do with your risk level as a driver. Young drivers pay much more for their insurances because they are considered high-risk drivers. You can ask an older member of your family to cover your luxury car insurance plan.

Discounts for vehicles that have safety features

Another case that will lead to major discounts refers to vehicles that are packed with all possible safety features. Most car insurance companies list what car features will influence the costs of the insurance task. Since most luxury vehicles come equipped with anti-lock brakes, airbags, and traction control systems, you’ll get at least one discount. As for anti-theft systems, the more reduced the risks of your car getting stolen are, the cheaper the insurance plan will be. If you keep your car in a locked garage while not in use, your insurance plan costs will be reduced visibly.

Expensive and rare car exceptions

Rare cars are sometimes called exotic, and they enter a special category in terms of insurance. McLaren, Lamborghini, Ferrari – you might be familiarized with these names. If your supercar is on the list of exotic ones, impressive horsepower might help you get a better insurance plan. Exotic cars usually increase in value in time, while normal cars don’t. Valuate your car before getting an insurance plan to know exactly what you’re dealing with at the moment. Your auto insurance company will list all the criteria that your car must respect for a reduced insurance plan. The costs of your insurance plan can be influenced by price, age, condition, location, your driving record, and others.

Types of coverage

There are certain types of coverage you can choose from, depending on what type of protection you want to get for your car. Also, you can opt for multiple insurance plans at once, and get discounts as mentioned before. Here are some coverage types explained:  


The insurance that covers liabilities will help you when you’re the one at fault in an accident that leads to medical expenses or property damage. The liability insurance is going to cover these costs for you, but keep in mind that there are some limitations to it, both in terms of money and the limits met.


The insurance plan that covers collisions is also called comprehensive and covers damage to your own car. This is more recommended for people who own luxury cars, as the repairs for an exotic car will cost a lot. The high value of luxury vehicles asks for high premiums in terms of insurance, especially if you want to fix your car with original equipment. Even though this might be more expensive, it is worth it in the long run for the benefits it brings to the table.

Personal injury

Insurance that covers personal injuries is also extremely important because it covers both your own medical costs and your passengers’ in case an unfortunate event happens. High-powered vehicles come with a greater risk of accidents. Getting your car insurance can be done only if you properly assess the risks that are involved in bringing the vehicle on the roads. These accidents often lead to serious medical issues that can cost a lot. This is also called the PIP insurance plan and it can be selected as an additional insurance for luxury car owners.

Car replacement

Financing a luxury vehicle can be expensive, especially if you want it replaced in case of a bad car crash. The car replacement insurance, also known as gap insurance, will pay you the exact amount of money that your vehicle is worth at the moment of the accident. Keep in mind that luxury cars often increase in value, but they can also depreciate in value, which may lead to losing a considerable amount.

Tools You Need To Take Care of Your Exotic Supercar

An exotic supercar or a high-end car is a piece of treasure, and the last thing that would be expected of you is to let it get dirty. Keeping the luxurious automobile clean, including on the inside, is crucial, as people will turn their heads to admire its exterior and will want to catch a glimpse of its interior. Also, you need to ensure that your car is safe and well secured from thieves who may steal it or pluck its parts, such as side-mirrors or lights, by installing it with devices or products from EyeRide, like DVR and camera surveillance systems, GPS tracking system, and more.

The following are some tools you need to take care of your exotic supercar:

Air compressor

A good air compressor is a crucial automotive care tool that you certainly need for your high-end car. This tool can perform several basic tasks, like blowing up a tire or providing compressed air to do away with cobwebs from some car parts. Also, it comes in handy to do other jobs, like powering air tools and paint guns. It is advisable when buying an air compressor to get the best and biggest you can afford. Another thing to have in mind when buying an air compressor is to ensure you have sufficient electrical power to operate it.

Portable car vacuum cleaner

For a very clean car, especially the interior, a portable car vacuum cleaner—especially one with a long nozzle accessory—can easily clean the deep places. It can help to remove dirt, dust, pet hair, and other unwanted pieces or particles on the surfaces of car seats, and pet hair. The vacuum cleaner can also remove dust particles from the air in a car. A wet and dry auto-cleaning tool is the best choice.

Tire pressure monitoring gadget

Tire pressure can affect the comfort and the safety of your exotic automobile. You can check your car owner’s manual for the recommended tire pressure for your specific car. Also, there are other gadgets and simple tools that you can use to monitor the tire pressure. Normally, you can do the check, and you should do so on a daily basis. Your car could also be fitted with an automatic tire pressure monitoring system by the manufacturer, in which case you wouldn’t need any other tool. There are also smart gadgets that you can link with your mobile devices and that will constantly keep track of tire pressure. They will send you alerts in case one or more of the tires needs some attention.

Car windscreen protector

This is a protective cover to protect the windscreen from extreme weather conditions, such as frost, ice, and snow. It also protects the windscreen from dust. It is simply placed on the windscreen, and two side tab sections get tucked into the passenger and driver doors, thus ensuring it does not get removed.

The above are only a few of the tools that you need to take care of your exotic automobile, but there are many more, for example, safety-enhancing ones, like cameras and PS tracking devices. The best thing is that most modern cars come with these tools, so all you need to do is familiarize yourself with them and install a few additions.

Supercar Care to Make Your Investment Last

Have you always dreamed of owning a car that simply can’t be missed on the road? Let’s face it, few people can resist staring after a distinctive roar of a Supercar engine. Buying a Supercar will set you back a tidy sum, and maintaining it is quite a process as well. After all, you can’t let it sit and gather dust in the garage – nobody will see it in there!  

It’s quite fascinating how a person changes from the moment they take the keys to their first supercar in their hands for the first time. It’s actually quite a sobering experience. At first, there’s the rush of everyone staring as you pull out of the driveway and down the road. But soon, you start receiving menacing looks from misers and responsible drivers who assume you’re arrogant…

Suddenly, you’re concerned about where you park. Repairing dents and scratches can be pretty expensive! You also start to spend a lot of time at the detailing shop.

You might have dreamed about driving at breakneck speeds, but suddenly, you realize that your car that has the potential of well over 200 mph, will rarely have an opportunity to exceed 65 mpg – the legal speed limit. Look for instance at Tesla’s P100D, which can go from 0-60 in under 2.3 seconds. It’s really a pity that you have to adhere to speed limits (most of the time).

But the reward is well worth the effort you put into taking care of your supercar.

What You Need to Know About Supercar Care

Supercar care is crucial to maintaining your investment according to OEM standards. It’s especially important to keep your paintwork and alloy wheels in tip-top shape and shiny clean. Therefore, you can’t let two weeks pass without washing it. However, standard car washing will not cut it.

In order to maintain that luxurious sheen on your supercar, you have to have it detailed, polished and waxed every time. Here’s what you should know about washing and caring for your supercar:

Before washing your supercar, you should first clean the inside and remove road dirt by hand. Then, start from the top and wash the body and wheels. Next, you should clean the windows and mirrors and then, you need to wax your exterior. The frequency will depend on weather conditions. For the interior, leather wipes work best, but you must occasionally condition the leather to prevent cracks.

Caring for your Supercar Engine

Be sure to inquire about the manufacturer’s maintenance policy. Before you sign on the dotted line, be sure to check the service intervals and costs. Most dealerships that sell new cars will offer a maintenance package with fixed-price services based on a time period or a mileage limit. Keeping a stamped service history will help maintain the value of your vehicle.

Servicing and parts are even more important than the exterior cosmetics. Why? Well, a supercar is a powerful piece of equipment. As such, only the best OEM parts and professional maintenance will do – even if your supercar is a classic from the 80s or 90s. If your car is new, it’s important to have it serviced by accredited service shops. Speak to your dealer about the nearest approved workshop.

Dealers usually tend to move away from servicing the older models in order to focus on the latest technology, but there are many specialists who can still service your classic car. In fact, sometimes independent specialists are better able to care for a classic supercar than the dealer.

Part of owning a supercar is accepting the fact that services and maintenance can be expensive. Don’t skimp on this crucial aspect of owning a supercar, and always opt for quality parts.

Ready to Buy a Supercar?

If you’ve done your research about supercar care, and you’re ready to take the plunge – congratulations! The next step is to shop around for the best deals. Naturally, you will want to buy from a reputable source. Some people take advantage of online deals by buying supercars through clubs or reputable dealerships.

Always test drive the vehicle first, and don’t forget to review the service history.

If you’re buying your first supercar from out of state, it’s a good idea to have it shipped to you. Your first trip in a Supercar should not be across many hundreds of miles.  Many classic supercar owners rely on nationwide car shipping companies to bring their vehicles to them from dealers out of state, and to move their classic supercars to shows or exhibitions.

How To Get Car Insurance For Your Exotic Car?

Exotic cars or the premium cars are the ones that are not available for regular users due to the higher price they carry. The higher price that they carry is mainly due to the quality they deliver in their cars and the premium parts, which are provided by them. People normally have these cars based on their requirements and also based on the price they can afford.

When purchasing a new car, a person normally forgets to purchase insurance for their car. This is important as the parts that are available in this car are quite costly, and it might be a big burden on you if your car suffers from a damage. In these scenarios, insurance can provide you with the desired financial aid to have an alternative to the same.

How should I get insurance for my exotic car?

Looking at the price of the exotic cars, many of the insurance companies won’t try to fall under your insurance as it will lead to many legal battles and to avoid large sum of money. So the foremost thing that will be required is finding out the list of companies that are ready to ensure your exotic car. It will help you to analyze the further details more easily.

Once you are aware of the different insurance agencies, compare the benefits that are provided by them for the premium they are charging. Normally, the premium for the exotic cars is high due to the fact that the parts are available for the same and the cars are of very high cost, which will increase the overall cost of the premium.

Even the past driving records will be checked before providing the premium to you. These records will give them insights regarding your driving capabilities. It will help them in identifying whether you will be suffering from the accident in the near future or not. The probability of the accidents that are obtained will help in determining whether they should provide you with insurance or not.

Receive the General Insurance Quote

It is important to have the insurance for any of the new exotic cars that you purchase. One should receive general insurance quotes to get a clear picture of the premium, which they would have to pay and the amount of coverage they will receive. There are few cases in which people don’t receive the full coverage for their car and, hence, it is required to have complete information about this beforehand.

After getting all this information, you can decide about the right insurance coverage for your exotic car, which can help you in case of need. It is recommended to select the insurance that provides the maximum benefit at the minimum premium claim.

How Much Does Exotic Luxury Car Insurance Cost?

Example Lamborghini car insurance rates by model

Model Monthly insurance rate Base car price
Aventador $568 $199,800
Huracan $436 $49,990

Example Porsche car insurance rates by model

Model Monthly insurance rate Base car price
911 $105.00 $89,400
Boxster $105.00 $52,100
Cayenne $115.00 $59,600
Cayman $108.00 $53,900
Macan $220.00 $47,500
Panamera $105.00 $85,000

Example Dodge car insurance rates by model

Model Monthly insurance rate Base car price
Challenger $245.00 $26,995
Charger $173.00 $27,995
Viper $170.00 $17,040-88,000

List of companies that provide insurance for exotic cars

  • Progressive
  • Travelers
  • Farmers
  • State Farm (
  • Geico
  • Liberty Mutual
  • USAA


Thus, we can say that we can contact and have the quote to get the insurance for our exotic car. It will help us in selecting the right insurance for our new car purchased, which will help us in case of any accidents being faced by those cars.

Experiencing a Supercar Isn’t As Expensive As You Think

For car enthusiasts, there might be no greater experience than owning a supercar. It could be that you have always dreamed of owning a particular make and have had posters on your bedroom wall from your youth, dreaming of the day that you could sit behind the wheel. Alternatively, you may have developed a love for supercars later in life and now want the ultimate experience that driving has to offer.

But it can be easy to be put off supercar ownership by the fact that it is expensive. Detractors point to the initial cost of the car, as well as insurance and regular maintenance, not to mention running costs, which would appear to make it exorbitant to own a supercar. However, you might be surprised to learn that owning a supercar is not as draining for your bank balance as you think.

The opportunity to try a car

Not everyone who wants to get behind the wheel of a supercar also wants to own it on a day-to-day basis. It might simply be the case that you would be happy with simply the occasional few hours in the driver’s seat. And after all, roads have the same speed limits for supercars as they do for every other car, and if the thrill that you are looking for comes from taking a car up to high speeds, then you might even just be satisfied with a supercar experience day.

You can look at supercar experiences two ways. Firstly, they can be a relatively cheap and easy way to the experience the best of what a supercar has to offer. You won’t be committing yourself to one specific car and can give multiple different models a try. Secondly, however, you can consider your experience day as a test run before you commit to ownership. Buying a supercar won’t come cheap so it can be best to know that you are choosing the right one.

An alternative to buying

If you are committed to owning a supercar and enjoying it on a day-to-day basis, then you might be looking into the prices and wondering how you can afford the initial outlay necessary to own. But it is actually the case that you can drive a supercar without having to buy one. Leasing has become a very popular alternative to outright car ownership, with simple monthly payments and a fixed term often being preferable.

Many buyers assume that it is only possible to lease more affordable cars, but if you look at the top of the market you can find it is possible to lease high-end sports cars and supercars such as the Porsche 911, the Audi R8, and even various Ferraris. With predictable repayments and the financial future of your car planned out, this can be a very affordable way to drive a supercar.

A supercar as an investment

Naturally, the price of a supercar can be extremely high but sometimes it is a case of how your frame that price. Remember that a supercar will not depreciate at the same rate as a normal road car – in fact in some cases if you buy the right model, a supercar will actually gain value. You can’t count on this being the case, but it is often possible to recoup a lot of your initial expense when you come to sell.

You need to think of your supercar as an investment. This starts with doing your research into which model you are going to buy as some will depreciate faster than others. Additionally, you need to ensure that you take care of your supercar correctly. Keeping the car in good condition will pay dividends in the long-term.

Built to last

It is also worth pointing out that supercars are built to be able to withstand the rigors of demanding use at very high speed. This means that all of the parts used in construction are of exceptional quality. Given that these cars are not often used at these sorts of speeds you can enjoy the benefits of their quality in the fact that they will last for a long time. This means that while supercars will still require maintenance, you are likely to have fewer problems, especially if you don’t constantly push it to its limits.

Finesse Your Supercar With These Changes

A few small cosmetic changes and performance tweaks could be all your Supercar needs for it to finally look and feel like the car you know it has the potential to be. We’ve some ideas that are not only transformative but also relatively easy to complete.

Finessing a car is about putting the finishing touches in place and ensuring nothing detracts from the classic qualities your supercar possesses. So which changes should you be prioritizing right now? 

Add Racing Seats

It’s only right that you install proper racing seats. With the right seat selection, you’ll feel maximum comfort whenever you’re behind the wheel, and the same will hold true for your passengers too. Switching your old seats for new racing seats requires a little brute force but it can be done relatively quickly. Just make sure that you’re not ripping out seats that are intrinsic to the classic qualities of your supercar because you may regret it later.

Choose High-Performance Tires

Your supercar deserves the very best high-performance tires. These will help you gain greater control over your supercar when you’re moving at high speeds, and that’s a fantastic feeling to have as a driver. You should also remember to change your tires as the seasons change.

Fit Racing Pedals

You need some racing pedals to accompany those new racing seats. They won’t necessarily make a big difference to how you drive, but the grip is often better and they certainly add to the racing car aesthetic that so many supercar drivers want to achieve.

Add a Unique & Interesting Number Plate

This is one of those things that serves no real purpose, but it’s still nice to have. They’re also known as cherished number plates, and you should definitely consider getting some of your own if you haven’t done so already. It’s something to be proud of and it makes your car stand out from the crowd a little better.

Learn How to Wax 

Simply waxing your car properly will make a pretty big difference to its overall appearance. A shiny and perfect finish to your car is easier to achieve than you imagine, and most of that comes down to how you wax it after it’s been washed. Learn more about car waxing techniques online and put what you learn into practice.

Upgrade Your Gauges

The gauges on your dashboard are used every time you drive your car, so if yours are a little boring and uninspiring, you should swap them out for some that fit the aesthetic you’re aiming for. How easy it is to change these auxiliary gauges will depend on what car you have and how the dashboard is set up. It might only be a cosmetic change, but it’s one worth considering.

Use an Exhaust Muffler

The sound your car makes when you start the ignition matters a lot to petrolheads. There’s something really satisfying about hearing that roar when you get into your car and set off on your journey. This is something that’s dictated by your exhaust and the muffler you have in place. If you don’t have one of those at all, it’s about time you fitted one. It can add to the overall aesthetic and that satisfying sound.

Find Some Striking Aftermarket Wheels

If your wheels are a little dull and basic, you need to go a step further by finding some slick and striking aftermarket alternatives. It’s actually really easy to replace old wheels, and it’s something that you can do by yourself if you have a few basic skills. 

Add a Subwoofer to Your Audio Setup

When you’re using your car day to day, you care about the entertainment it offers. Most base audio systems that come with cars are imperfect to say the least. There’s always something you can do to improve yours so that eventually offers the satisfying sounds you’re looking for. First off, you should add a subwoofer to your system so you don’t miss out on any of those bass sounds

Your Supercar might be super, but that doesn’t mean it’s perfect. As these ideas prove, there are so many ways to finesse your treasured vehicle. Once you’ve done that, you’ll be able to drive it in complete comfort and get the most out of it each and every day of the week.

Route 66: Which Super Car Should You Choose?

If there’s a road that you want to drive on during your lifetime, it’s Route 66. As one of the most iconic roads on the planet, it’s only appropriate that you experience the road in some of the world’s most epic supercars. Once you’ve managed to prepare for your trip and apply for your USA visa, these supercars are perfect for not only driving in style but absorbing the stunning highway scenery.

Ford Mustang

Introduced in 1964, the Ford Mustang has been a classic supercar for decades and still remains in the US’s top ’20 bestsellers’, and it’s clear to see why. Currently, Mustangs utilize the latest technology, including a four-cylinder EcoBoost engine as well as the traditional and well-loved V6 and V8 variants. Furthermore, the Mustang is able to reach 60 mph in as little as 4.6 seconds, allowing you to really ride in style along Route 66. What’s more is the impressive power that the Mustang has, with a 285-443 bhp, providing you with an unforgettable driving experience when on Route 66.

Chevrolet Corvette

If you want a car that’s truly going to turn heads, you’ll want to opt for the Chevrolet Corvette. This car is ideal for Route 66, as 1960s TV drama ‘Route 66’ revolved around two men going coast to coast in a convertible ‘Vette, and the iconic nameplate is still holding a lot of power even today. If you thought the Mustang was fast, the Corvette is able to reach 60mp in a minuscule 3.9 seconds, so you can really rack up your speed when traveling along Route 66. Moreover, with a horsepower of 460hp, you can really feel the power and dominance that this Chevrolet model possesses. Plus, with the famous stunning red sheen that the Corvette has, you’re guaranteed to have passers-by jealous.

Tesla Model S

Want a more modern supercar? Look no further than the Tesla Model S, known as one of, if not the best electric car on the market. Tesla truly represents the future of modern motoring, so what better contrast than having the innovative Model S driving down the historic Route 66? The Model S is highly comfortable and fast, with the capability to reach 60mph in just 2.5 seconds depending on the specification you opt for. Although, with a claimed range of up to 300 miles, you should plan your route along Route 66 in advance to avoid being left stranded far away from a charging point

Dodge Viper

For those of you looking to experience Route 66 at a highly rapid pace, the Dodge Viper is perfect for you. This vehicle is more than capable of covering a large number of miles within seconds, and with a stunning exterior design, you can feel like a billionaire driving this down Route 66. Being an American road, the Viper is perfect, as you won’t face the scrutiny for choosing a more ‘inferior’ European model. The Viper can reach 60mph in 3.3 seconds, and with a horsepower of 645hp, you simply can’t go wrong.

Unless you live in Chicago or Los Angeles, it isn’t every day that you get to ride down Route 66, so you’ll want to ensure you do so in style. Luckily, the above supercars are perfect for those wanting to embark on their journey down Route 66 – which would you choose?

Track Day Beginners Etiquette: Dos And Don’ts

If you are considering in attending a track day for the first time, there are a few things that you need to learn. Naturally, track day organizers want to provide a truly fun and unrestricted driving experience, but it is also vital for there to be rules and guidelines in the interest of safety.

Of course, it should also be pointed out that outside of the specific rules there are plenty of unwritten rules that simply serve as good etiquette for when you get out on a track day. Here we look at some of the dos and don’ts of track day etiquette to ensure that you have a fantastic day on the track, stay safe and avoid upsetting other drivers.

DO invest in some training

It’s the case with any kind of motorsport that if you turn up as a complete beginner to any kind of track day or race event, you can feel out of your depth. Don’t worry – this is a common occurrence for almost everyone who tries a motorsport for the first time. Thankfully, there are now many opportunities to do some learning or training in motorsport driving in a friendly and relaxed environment.

For example, before you get into rallying you can go on a beginner’s rally driving experience day to get an introduction to the skills required for this type of driving. The same is true for many of the race tracks in the UK – for example, Silverstone offers driver coaching that can help you master the track before you get out on the circuit alone.

DON’T treat it as a race

It is important to remember at all times that a track day is not a race. Yes, you are on a racetrack but the rules for track days explicitly state that any form of racing off lap timing is not allowed – and in many cases doing so will invalidate your insurance.

Driving on a track day is a chance to drive at speeds that are not allowed on the roads and to test the limits of your car and your driving ability, but it cannot become a race. Stick to the driving that is allowed or you will find yourself escorted from the track and banned.

DO listen carefully to the safety briefing

Before the driving fun begins on any track day there will be a safety briefing given by the marshals. This is the time where rules are explained and safety practice detailed. It is never acceptable to assume that you already know the rules and therefore you don’t need to listen. Different track days have specific rules that you will need to follow, and failing to do so can be extremely dangerous for you and the other drivers around you. So make sure that you pay attention to the briefing and take on-board everything that is said.

DON’T arrive with a faulty vehicle

The majority of track day sessions allow for unmodified road cars to be used on the track. It is actually very common for individuals to take their own car just to see how it will perform. But just because it is OK to turn up and drive in your everyday car, it doesn’t mean that you shouldn’t do any preparation before the event.

At the very least you should be thoroughly checking your wheels and ensuring that the whole of the car is in good enough condition to be driven in anger. Obviously, it is impossible to guarantee that you won’t encounter problems, but you need to take as many precautions as possible to be sure that your car will be in good shape for the track day.

DO learn the overtaking rules

Once again, a track day is not a race. But overtaking is still allowed to ensure that faster cars are not held up by slower ones, so whether you are driving a quick or slow car you need to understand the rules and etiquette expected for overtaking. Rules may differ between courses and events but typically they state that overtaking can only be executed to the left of the car in front. Additionally, you can only overtake in designated areas of the track – usually on the straights.

Buying a Classic the Right Way

Having a true classic in the garage is a dream countless car nuts aspire to. If you’re having fantasies about getting up to polish it, and then taking it for a long, leisurely drive on a sunny Sunday afternoon, you’re certainly not alone! Although owning a classic can be a wonderful experience, like buying any car there’s a right way and a wrong way to go about it. Here’s some tips for the former…

Do Your Research

I’m sure you’ve spent more than enough time learning about the classic car market from online auto traders and classic car magazines. However, if you want to get the best deal possible on the model you’ve got your heart set on, you should spend a while researching that specific vehicle. Find out about its features, and the main pros and cons. Read up on its maintenance schedule and the kind of regular care you’ll have to find time for. Look into how easy it is to find a parts dealer and what those parts typically cost. If you’re certain about the model, it may even be worth signing up to an owner’s club for even more info. Classic cars aren’t something you can buy on a whim, so don’t underestimate the amount of research you should do!

Buy Privately

Once you’ve done all the reading and investigation necessary, and you’re dead set on a given model, then the next step is to find a private seller. First of all, good classic car dealers are pretty much all private individuals anyway! Secondly, buying privately will give you a little more opportunity to assess the previous owner, and get more information on how the vehicle has been used and cared for in the past. Above all, you get to dodge the retail premium you’d have to budget for otherwise! Ideally, you’ll be able to find a seller with the model you want in your local area, and then be able to check it out easily. However, if the car you’re going for is a little rarer, you may have to really put your feelers out and find someone further away. Ask as many questions as you like online, and always check the vehicle in person before you commit. Furthermore, I recommend you use Shiply or a similar service to get your classic car home. Even the smallest little nick in the paint can be utter heartbreak!

Budget for Problems

While classic cars are absolutely gorgeous, and can run like a dream if they’re properly maintained, they all have one unfortunate common thread: they’re old! Even if everything seems fine in the stages of your purchasing decision, you’d have to be very lucky to have total plain sailing for the rest of your car’s useful life. You’ll discover things that you’ll want to improve, parts that need repairing or replacement, and so on. All this will be worth it if you truly love the car, it’s just important to prepare for it and set enough money aside.