Smart Luggage by Plevo
Everything is getting “smart” these days – apart from some of our buddies – and our luggage is no different. Plevo have managed to create a luggage which is mixed with aesthetics and useful functions like nothing that has been seen on the carousels before.
While we wait for them supersonic flights we can enjoy the nifty work by the Plevo team. They have undoubtedly taken some of the stress out of travelling by manufacturing what may be the smartest line of luggage products ever seen. First, they’re pretty pleasing on the eye but we will let the pictures take care of that for us and we will concentrate on some of their key perks.
The luggage can be hung up like a jacket with its patented hanger design, making access much easier. It also has compartments specifically for electronics so passing airport security is seamless. It has a tracking device installed so you can see where your valuables are at all times – especially useful when airlines mess up and send your bag to the other side of the world by mistake. But even more useful, you will even know when it’s getting loaded onto the carousel ready for you to pick up.
The locking systems is like something out of a Bond movie as you can choose to unlock it with face recognition from your phone. There are many more impressive features that we just don’t have the time to reel off just now, but if you’re interested, you could help the project along.