Onyx Electric Motorbike
Mopeds were always a curious and intriguing breed of vehicle. Offering a bit more than a pedal-powered bicycle, but less weighty and less powerful than a proper motorcycle; they were stylish back in the 60s and 70s. In actual fact, they are still stylish nowadays and can be completely environmentally-friendly.
That is if you invest in one of these great new e-bikes from Onyx Motorcycles in San Francisco, which owe a huge debt of gratitude to the classic look and feel of those mopeds of old. With two options to choose from, both powered by efficient and effective batteries and that, therefore, require no ozone-unfriendly gas of any kind, you can get from a to be with class on the main road or explore other terrains on the very capable off-road bike.
While the CTY road version is capable of achieving 30 mph and will run on a single charge for 25 to 40 miles; the CRC model is capable of 60 mph and distances of 45 to 70 miles.
As you’d expect from a forward thinking company like Onyx, there is a range of different alterations and customizations you can make to get the e-bike experience you are looking for. You can even upgrade the battery of each model to handle a greater distance.
With space for other backers on their Indigogo campaign and the project fully funded, don’t miss out on the chance to ride one of these beauties when they roll out in early 2019!