All posts in “Cannabis”

Dad Grass Launches Vintage Pipe Shop

We love the refined, sleek look of modern smokeware. Today’s pothead is kitted out with gear and gadgets that would put Q to shame. But, we’ve lost some of the artful elegance of the classic…

The post Dad Grass Launches Vintage Pipe Shop first appeared on Cool Material.

Heir Makes the Most Beautiful Water Pipe We’ve Ever Seen

Bongs and water pipes function slightly differently, but they’re essentially both filtration devices used for smoking tobacco, herbal substances or, most commonly in our experience, the electric lettuce. The idea behind it and the basic…

Double Barrel Oil Vaporizer

If you missed this 4/20 and didn’t get yourself a present, it’s ok. You can celebrate stoner’s day any day! And if you’re looking for a unique piece of cannabis paraphernalia, the Double Barrel Oil Vaporizer should undoubtedly get your attention.

The vaporizer combines two custom-tuned barrels for a shotgun-like appearance that’s more than just a marketing gimmick. Users can load two different oil cartridges at once for customizing the flavor (and high), while detachable knuckle rings complete the badass look.

And for those times when you want to sample just one strain, all you need to do is cover one air-flow plug while you draw from the mouthpiece.

Learn More From Double Barrel $90