For a select few who have too much money lying around, owning multiple and huge homes is a badge of recognition. You might also want to grab an exclusive hypercar or a few other supercars while you’re at it. Also, let’s not forget a couple of private jets or maybe even an airliner for good measure. Now that you have your high-end toys for both land and air, let’s not forget to complete the ensemble with your own personal watercraft. That’s right we’re talking about a luxurious ship that can leisurely sail the seas at your disposal. For that extra layer of opulence, you might want to own the Carat 187 superyacht as soon as possible.
You might have guessed by the name, that this stunning vessel will make you feel like a celebrity. Its conception comes from an amazing group of talents at Technicon Design, who envisioned a glamorous yacht with extravagant amenities. This remarkable group of designers includes Gareth Davies, Nicolas Jousse, Guillaume Juif, Paul Martinez, and Maximilien Nee. The team collectively proposes a dramatic concept that will eventually become reality to the tune of $130 million.
It will showcase an exclusive feature wherein two automated stairs swing out from the rear of the craft. This emulates a red-carpet welcome for guests as its two yacht tenders dock on each side. Moreover, the Carat 187 will also offer two massive pools with one on the sun deck and another on the prow. As the project moves forward from the concept stage, expect Technicon Design to offer more insight regarding its technical specifications.
Images courtesy of Technicon Design