What Apple users have dreaded has finally come after the brand’s Hi, Speed event wrapped up recently. Following its plans to reduce wastes and for carbon neutrality down the line, the company pushes for a new trend. This might not sit well with most consumers, as it seems like another cash grab form the Cupertino-based tech group. With no charger and EarPods in the box, we have no choice but to them separately. Thankfully, it’s offering the Beats Flex, which, at $49.99, is not actually at a bad deal.
Although most of you (including us) were hoping to see the rumored AirPods Studio, it was a no show. Perhaps Apple will unveil that along with the AirTags, Mac with ARM chipsets, and others in November. For now, we’ll take whatever is on offer and the Beats Flex looks like it. For the price, its not exactly a true wireless stereo (TWS) type of configuration akin to the AirPods and AirPods Pro.
However, it boasts Bluetooth connectivity and boasts the signature acoustic performance of Beats by Dr. Dre products. After years of bass-heavy tuning, experts claim the latest models now strike a good balance. While it’s not exactly at the same tier as the AirPods and AirPods Pro, the Beats Flex should sound great.
Battery life is rated at 12 hours of music playback and charges via USB-C. We also love the feature wherein the audio is paused when the buds are linked via the embedded magnets. To resume, just pull them apart and put them back in your ears. The Beats Flex is available in four colors: Smoke Gray, Yuzu Yellow, Fame Blue, and Beats Black. Might as well grab them to match whichever colorway your iPhone 12 comes in.
Images courtesy of Beats by Dr. Dre