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It was a shock for me a couple years ago when I realized that the free plan from Turbo Tax wasn’t enough to help me get my taxes done. Maybe that is a good thing because it means I’m making adult money, but however you look at it, getting a good tax return is going to cost me money.

If you hop into TurboTax blind, it will help you make decisions about how big you want to go when it comes to adding on services. But if you’re looking for something more cut and dry, it might make more sense to snag a pre-paid tax software. Just in time for a wave of W-2s or 1099s to your inbox, Staples has marked down almost all of the TurboTax plans it sells.

The Deluxe plan is the middle-of-the-road when it comes to services from TurboTax and will probably cover everything you need, including state and federal taxes plus coaching and double-checks to ensure you’re getting the best return possible. It is now on sale for $50, which is 16 percent off the retail price. If you don’t think you need that much, you can pick up the Basic for $30, or, if your taxes are a bit more complicated, you can go up a few levels to Premier or Home & Business, with each new plan being around $10 more per tier.

This is also probably a good reminder that the deadline to file your federal taxes is April 15. In 2020 the IRS delayed that because of the pandemic, but that doesn’t appear that will happen this year again (although you can request an extension to October 15).


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