You don’t have to settle for a bulky wallet just to store your everyday essentials like your cards, coins, or cash. Instead, you can go for those that offer style and functionality in one, just like the Keri pocket case and wallet.
This everyday carry boasts a minimalist design perfect for business professionals. It especially looks good paired with your suit and tie, although it is also ideal for casual outfits. It looks sleek and sophisticated that you’d be tempted to just keep it as a souvenir and not use it.
If ever you want to use it though, then this wallet has enough storage space to keep small items other than your money or cards. Its base container keeps your pocket items organized and secure. It can hold your coins, paper clips, USB reader, SD cards, small charging cables, and other small items in place. It can also hold business cards.
Meanwhile, the top cover holds your cards and bills. A wide elastic band keeps them in place and also holds the top and base parts together. The top part can hold up to twenty business cards and up to seven credit cards.
The Keri pocket case and wallet can be customized with a personal logo and it is available in a variety of colors to suit your personal style: gray, red, black and blue.
Photos Courtesy of Keri