Unlocking your ultimate potential, even if you’re a weekend warrior athlete, lies in how well you recover. Ask any top athlete what the most important part of their fitness routine is and nine out of ten will say recovery. But for those who are working out and recovering at home, it can be difficult to understand what products to use and how to use them — recovery can often feel like black magic. Luckily, Hyperice just supercharged its experience, launching the Hyperice App powered by HyperSmart™. The app and its new tech are designed to help you navigate the world of recovery by unlocking the full potential of its best-in-class recovery products. How? More on that below.
More Than Just an App: Think of the new HyperSmart™ tech as the brain of your Hyperice products. The app can actually work to blend your physical and digital activity and create a recovery experience that is fully tailored to you. It will pair to any of your Hyperice Bluetooth devices and will automatically adjust the speed as you follow along with guided routines — it’s never been easier to focus on your warmup or recovery.
It Learns as You Go: HyperSmart™ compares stats from your connected apps like Strava or Apple Health with your Hyperice device usage to find the best routines for you. The more you use it, the better it will be at automatically adjusting settings that will optimize your recovery.
A Complete Ecosystem: With the HyperSmart™ ecosystem, you get access to exclusive content from top pro athletes and experts (the ones who demand the most out of their recovery), recommendations for routines and a snapshot of your activity and recovery progress. Essentially, it gives you no excuse not to take your recovery as seriously as the pros do.
Build Your Kit
Beyond the benefits of Hyperice’s HyperSmart™ tech, the brand also offers a handful of best-in-class products that can take your recovery even further. If you pay close attention to any behind-the-scenes shots from your favorite sporting events like the NBA, Tour de France or the Premier League, you’re guaranteed to see these products being used. Paired with the HyperSmart™ tech in the Hyperice app, the products below will give you the ultimate recovery setup.
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