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Fire is not a necessity for a backyard and/or campsite get-together, but it does make the experience all the more enticing — helping to warm cold bodies and set the mood for some storytelling (whether that’s spooky, nostalgic or otherwise is up to you). Of course, it helps if the fire-making is self-contained, making it simpler, safer and perhaps even more portable. Well, the Flikr Personal Concrete Fireplace offers all of that and more (with the ability to use it indoors), and is discounted by 20 percent for Huckberry’s Cyber Monday sale.


Personal Concrete Fireplace

Flikr huckberry.com


Small enough to sit comfortably on just about any flat surface, this portable fire pit is constructed from a sturdy cement-like material that won’t ever overheat or crumble from exposure to too much fire. It also runs on isopropyl alcohol for a clean burn that won’t leave you with a bunch of soot to clean up and can even be used for cooking (smores, anyone?). In fact, just five ounces will give you a fire that burns for 50 minutes. The clean burn also means, along with being right at home in your backyard or campground, it can even be used inside. For $79, this makes an excellent gift — and you’re saving so much that you might want to pick up a second for yourself while you’re at it.


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