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It’s impossible to be ready for any and every emergency and/or disaster that might befall you and your family. But that doesn’t mean you should just give up and let things befall you. In fact, you can easily up your odds of safety and survival with the simple act of keeping a disaster kit somewhere in your home. Well, the ones from Judy are some of the best, most comprehensive around — and a bunch of them are discounted by up to 30 percent right now for Cyber Monday.

Unlike doomsday preppers that custom-build underground bunkers, sometimes over the course of years, Judy’s bundles are crafted for the average person and/or family and take all the guesswork out of your disaster preparedness plan. The brand’s Prepper System, for instance, comes with a storage case and waterproof backpack, loaded with a total of 116+ supplies for up to eight people (including first-aid, food and water, and so much more) for up to 72 hours. The Power Prepper System, by contrast, is equipped for just six people but comes with its own backup battery. And if you want the best of both worlds, there’s the fully-loaded Pro System.


The Prepper System

Judy judy.co

If you’re still looking for more, Judy’s Cyber Monday sale also offers 25 percent off standalone kits, as well as 25 percent off a 1000W Backup Power Supply. All you have to do is enter code CYBERMON25 at checkout for those deals. With this sale, there’s never been a better time to ready yourself and your family for anything.


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