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Born in 2008 in San Francisco, Taylor Stitch has spent the last 12 years sourcing some of the finest materials and crafting quality garments that will stand up to the test of time. One of Gear Patrol’s favorites, the brand knows how to make a product that is not only handsome in just about every way but will wear in and not out. For the end of summer, Taylor Stitch is giving us all a reason to join it on its journey, marking down the entire site 20 percent and giving anyone that spends over $100 an extra $20 store credit.

If you need to stock up on essentials like button-downs and pants or are looking for rugged outerwear like a waxed canvas jacket or leather flight jacket to pass down to your kid after you’ve broken it in, Taylor Stitch has exactly what you need. We picked out some of our favorites below, but make sure to head over to the sale now as the savings end just a week from now, on November 29.


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