Looking for more Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals? Bookmark our tag page, where we’ll be collecting the best savings, discounts and promotions throughout the week.
If you’re still sitting in the Office Space-era chair you picked off the sidewalk outside your first apartment or feeling the ache in your back from hunching over your laptop on the kitchen table, you may need to upgrade your WFH setup. With more and more companies deciding that working from home is the future, making a few key purchases will improve your day-to-day and make your commute from the bedroom to the office something you look forward to in the morning.
Portland-based Fully is taking home offices up a notch with its smart, good-looking furniture designed to add movement and flow to your work day. Lucky for us, it is discounting everything on its site by 15 percent for the entire month of November with its Get Moving sale.
From its excellent ergonomic office chair to a standing desk converter that instantly doubles your working positions, Fully’s office furniture can make your day more comfortable so you can focus on work and not the ache in your spine. The sale ends tonight, so jump on this one ASAP.
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