Looking for more Black Friday and Cyber Monday deals? Bookmark our tag page, where we’ll be collecting the best savings, discounts and promotions.

Remember 2020? For many of us that year, the world shrunk down to the size of our home — especially when it came to physical fitness. With many gyms closed or at limited capacity and the weather often unsuited for outdoor activities, working out at home became the best way to stay healthy and in shape.

Well, it’s late in 2021 now; coronavirus vaccines are flowing like water, and most gyms and exercise facilities have reopened to full capacity. But for many people, working out at home — much like working at home — has become a new, preferable way of life. And luckily, the Black Friday / Cyber Monday sales extravaganza has become an excellent time to stock up on new home exercise gear — whether for a holiday gift for someone else, or just for your own home gym.

Some places are offering killer sales across a wide variety of offerings:

    And, of course, there are plenty of deals to be found on specific products, as you can see in the gallery below.

    These are just scratching the surface, though. Keep your eyes peeled, and you’ll be able to find all sorts of great home fitness deals during this time of year.

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