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For me, one of the highlights of winter is posting up by the fire, roasting some marshmallows, and sharing stories. The only problem is, most places, including my tiny apartment backyard, don’t have a fire pit. Even if they do, a fire usually ends up leaving everyone smelling like smoke and a little stuffed up from inhaling nasty air for a couple hours. Solo Stove has solved both of those problems with its Bonfire fire pit, which is on sale right now. If you order this weekend, you can get it for $260 — $90 less than the normal price. The only catch is that it won’t ship until February 8th. But at this point, nobody is really doing anything anyway, so waiting a little over a week is no problem.

The Bonfire only weighs 20 pounds, meaning you can easily move it around, whether you’re choosing different spots in your yard or loading it up for a trip to a friend’s house (once it is safe, of course). The Bonfire also addresses pesky smoke by utilizing proprietary airflow technology to create a super efficient burn, making it easier to enjoy the warmth and the good company.


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