The chilly fall air is quickly approaching, but you have time for one more weekend camping trip. Just to help you get out the door, is offering 20% off some of the site’s stock of camping and climbing gear. This is a great chance to update some of those worn-out items you’ve been using for years with some of the best outdoor kit you can get your hands on. You can find almost anything you need for a weekend outdoors at We put together a few of our favorite items you can grab for 20% that will help you get outside again before autumn. These are just our favorite pieces, but you can also use the code yourself at checkout on a whole mess more of camping and climbing products. All you have to do is use CLIMBCAMP20 at checkout.
Marmot Limelight Tent
This homey three-person tent is a breeze to set up and takedown with the helo of color-coded clips. With a mesh canopy as well as a seam-taped fly, it’s as suited for stargazing as it is for a summer storm. The large D-shaped door makes it a whole lot easier to get in and out, making you one happy camper.
BioLite FirePit
This portable fire pit has it all. From its patented airflow technology to its included grill rack, this firepit will become one of your camping favorites. And it won’t be just you, its X-Ray mesh construction means everyone around the fire can enjoy the view — and the heat. It even includes access to a Bluetooth app that lets you control the flames from a distance.
La Sportiva TC Pro Vibram XS Edge Climbing Shoe
These are some of the most high-performing climbing shoes you can find, with light ankle padding to help stem the pain of vicious off-widths and Vibram XS Edge rubber soles for friction on the thinnest footholds. They also have a vented tongue to help ward off sweaty feet so you can go all day on the wall.
Mammut Phoenix Dry Climbing Rope
The Mammut Phoenix SuperDry 8mm Climbing Rope has you covered from mixed pitches to splitter alpine granite. With Coated Core and Coated Sheath technologies, the Pheonix will handle well and perform in both wet and dry conditions. This is the climbing rope you need for all your half and twin rope needs.