From Sonos’s first-ever headphones and Apple’s 4th gen Airpods to a wide array of Hi-Fi-centric releases, 2024 was packed with major headphone launches.

A grid of six rectangles against a dark blue background with speckles. The rectangles include glimpses of lifestyle photos of various headphone products that launched in 2024Gear Patrol

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Welcome to the Year in Review, where we’re rewinding the clock on an entire year’s worth of coverage to highlight the notable and under-the-radar product releases that crossed our desk in 2024. 

Here’s a look back at new wireless ear buds, over-ear headphones, fitness headphones and more that launched this year. 

Spotlight Headphone Releases

Other Notable Headphone Releases

Meze Audio 105 AER headphonesMeze Audio

Meze Audio 105 AER

The Meze 105 AER are the Romanian hi-fi brand’s lightest and most affordable open-back headphones to date. They borrow trickle-down technologies from the company’s well-reviewed 109 Pro ($800) open-back headphones, but are exactly half as expensive. The 105 AER headphones have a familiar design and similar (yet “newly refined”) 50mm dynamic drivers to the 109 Pros, but have a mostly plastic design (instead of wood and metal) to keep the cost down.

Beyerdynamic DT 1770 PRO MKII headphonesBeyerdynamic

Beyerdynamic DT 1770 PRO MKII and DT 1990 Pro MKII

As part of its 100-history celebrations, the German hi-fi maker has released second-generation models of its popular DT 1770 Pro (closed-back) and DT 1990 Pro (open-back) studio headphones. The new “MKII” models both feature the company’s new Tesla.45 driver, which has a 30-ohm impedance — significantly lower than the 250 ohms of the previous models — making them much easier to drive and more versatile. They maintain the signature design and comfy velour or leatherette earpads of their predecessors.

Dali IO-8 noise-canceling headphonesDali

Dali IO-8

At $900, the IO-8 is not the Danish loudspeaker manufacturer’s most expensive noise-canceling headphones — that title still belongs to its $1,300 IO-12. But the new models promise similar hi-fi sound, premium build, and excellent noise cancellation… at a more attainable (but still expensive) price. The luxury headphones feature huge 50mm drivers and, thanks to support for aptX Adaptive, can play up to 24-bit/96kHz audio when paired with a compatible device.


Soundcore AeroFit 2

The Souncore AeroFit 2 are open-ear wireless earbuds designed for working out. They have ear hooks that grip around your ears and are IP55 water-resistant. Their open-ear design ensures that you can hear ambient sounds while exercising. At $100, these budget-friendly wireless earbuds also have some unexpected high-end features, such as a wireless charging case and LDAC support for higher-resolution listening.

Sony LinkBuds Open setting outside of their black charging case on a wooden deskSony

Sony LinkBuds Open

Sony’s 2022-released LinkBuds were unique among wireless earbuds thanks to their ring-hole open-ear design — and these LinkBuds Open are essentially the second-gen versions of those. They promise improved audio and a longer-lasting battery. Plus, they have an updated silicone earwing which should help them fit even more securely. At $199, they are roughly $20 more expensive.

Marshall Monitor III ANC headphonesMarshall

Marshall Monitor III ANC

Marshall’s third-generation flagship noise-canceling headphones, the Monitor III ANC, share a similar design to its predecessors but gain improved ANC and a few other features — the most notable of which is a drastically improved battery life. They promise 70 hours with ANC turned on and 100 hours turned off, making them one of the longest-lasting noise-canceling headphones available today.

Nothing Ear Open earbudsNothing

Nothing Ear Open

Instead of the stem-bud design of its Ear and Ear (a), Nothing’s latest wireless earbuds, the Ear Open, have a new open-ear design with ear hooks. This allows you to better hear the world around you while working out or commuting. The earbuds have directional speakers that promise minimal sound leakage (a common problem with open earbuds). And their charging case has a neat transparent lid. They cost $149. 


Bose QuietComfort Earbuds

Right on the heels of Apple’s AirPods 4 with Active Noise Cancellation hitting the market, Bose has unveiled a new pair of active noise-canceling earbuds at the same $179 price point. They’re noise-sealing and come with three silicon tip options, giving them a fit that’s more like the AirPods Pro 2, which presumably means they’ll excel at blocking out external noise. They also offer some interesting new capabilities, including the ability to use the Earbuds as a remote shutter for a phone camera and a low-latency mode for gamers. They’re on sale now in white, black and purple color options.

AirPods 4 product imageApple

Apple AirPods 4

Released this past September, Apple’s new entry-level AirPods have the same open-air design (no silicone ear tips) and sound exactly like the AirPods 4 with active noise-cancellation — both have the same H2 chip and internal acoustic architecture. They share some of the same higher-end features, such as Personalized Volume and support for spatial audio, too. This is the first time they’ve been discounted.


Apple AirPods Pro Max (Updated)

Apple’s premium AirPods Pro Max didn’t get the overhaul many had hoped for. Instead, a USB-C charging port now replaces the aging lightning connector. The previous color options have also been replaced by five new colorways: starlight, orange, purple, blue and midnight. And that’s it. These changes are so minor that Apple’s not even calling this new iteration the AirPod Pro Max 2; they’re still just the AirPods Max. They’ll also still sell at the same premium price of $549 when shipping begins on September 20th.


Sony WF-C510

Sony’s newest budget-friendly wireless earbuds, the WF-C510, have several more premium features compared to their predecessors, the 2021-released WF-C500. The new models are smaller and pack better battery life. Most significantly, they cost just $60 — which is $30 cheaper. Available in white, yellow, blue or black finishes. 

Bose QuietComfort Ultra headphones in diamond colorBose

Bose QuietComfort Ultra Headphones (Diamond 60th Edition)

To celebrate the company’s 60th anniversary, Bose is releasing its flagship noise-canceling headphones in a new “diamond” finish. This is the fourth color the headphones are available in, joining black, smoke white and sandstone. It costs $429, just like before. (Note: Bose is releasing its flagship wireless earbuds and open-ear earbuds, the QuietComfort Ultra Earbuds and Ultra Open Earbuds, in the same diamond finish.)

Turtle Beach Stealth 700 gen 3 gaming headsetTurtle Beach

Turtle Beach Stealth 700 (Gen 3)

Turtle Beach’s third-generation Stealth 700 gaming headset is designed to work across PC and console platforms. Its most exciting feature is that it ships with two USB transmitters, which you can plug into your console and PC and switch between the two via a button on the headset’s ear cup. It also has built-in Bluetooth for connecting to your smartphone or Nintendo Switch.

nwm one open-back headphonesnwm

nwm One

The Japanese audio maker, nwm, has finally brought its unique open-back headphones stateside. The One look like no other headphones — the earcups have no back at all leaving your ears basically completely exposed — and their secret sauce is the company’s PSZ (Personalized Sound Zone) technology that minimizes sound from leaking. Unlike most open-back headphones, the One can work as wired (via USB-C) or wireless Bluetooth headphones. 

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