Jack Reacher (2012)
Released in cinemas in 2012, “Jack Reacher” is a blockbuster Tom Cruise-led sniper movie that is based on a series of books by author Lee Childs. Nomadic in nature, the titular character is a former military criminal investigator who frequently travels across states.
This Cruise movie sets off when an ex-US Army sniper is primarily accused of going ballistic and killing five people for no apparent reason. The police immediately caught their suspect who comes by the name of Barr.
Enter the protagonist as Barr asks to get Jack Reacher. However, it isn’t something easy to do, given how Cruise’s character is slippery as an eel, and hard to find while staying off the radar in Florida. As the defense attorney exerts effort to get hold of him, he shows up on his own terms in Pittsburgh.
Because of Barr’s history, while serving the military in Iraq, Jack first believed that Barr committed the heinous crime. Things take an exorbitant turn when he finds out who the real culprits are in this killing spree.
As it progresses, “Jack Reacher” unfolds a backstory between Jack and Barr and reveals why Barr asks for him.
Directed by Christopher McQuarrie, “Jack Reacher” hit the big screen in 2012 and earned more than $200 million at the box office. Along with Cruise, this best sniper movie stars Rosamund Pike, Richard Jenkins, Werner Herzog, David Oyelowo, and Robert Duvall.
Running Time: 2 hours 10 minutes